Experience @ TechTalent

Senior Front-end Engineer
October 2022 - October 2023
Bucharest, Romania (Remote)
As a contractor for Spirent, in this role, I was responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the front-end of our client's web applications.
- The application I worked on helped our users work with test hardware and software for automotive in the v2x context, but not limited to that.
- I was utilizing my expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various front-end frameworks (React, Redux) to improve the user experience and drive business growth.
- Some key work done on this project:
- • Designed and implemented the user interface for the application
- • Improved overall performance for large data tables
- • Updated E2E tests with Cypress to use testing-library and cover more features of the app
- • Automated typescript/swagger type definitions for better backend integration
- • Updated dependencies and React version to the latest (18), where unit tests and e2e tests helped smooth this transition and ensured no bugs were introduced.
- React,
- Typescript,
- Webpack,
- SSE (Server sent events),
- react-hook-form,
- OpenAPI Typescript Codegen,
- Jest,
- react-testing-library,
- Cypress,
- JenkinsWorked